Pricing plans that scale with your business

No Contracts, Cancel Anytime!

2.00% Transaction Fees
Unlimited Orders
Unlimited Subscriptions
Subscription Billing
Order Management
Enhanced Support
Email Template Editing

Get Started

1.50% Transaction Fees
Unlimited Orders
Unlimited Subscriptions
Subscription Billing
Order Management
Enhanced Support
Email Template Editing
Workflow Automation Suite
Inventory Management Tools
Failed Payment Actions
Klaviyo Integration
Developer API & Webhooks

Get Started

0.75% Transaction Fees
Unlimited Orders
Unlimited Subscriptions
Subscription Billing
Order Management
Priority Support
All Features Included:
Email Template Editing
Workflow Automation Suite
Inventory Management Tools
Failed Payment Actions
Klaviyo Integration
Developer API & Webhooks

Get Started

Just getting started?

Try our free plan with no monthly fee and 0% transaction fees on your first $5,000 processed, 3% thereafter.

Chat & Email Support | Limited Features

Get Started

Processing more than 100k/month? Contact our team for custom pricing options.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How will I be billed?

Monthly fees (on paid plans), and transaction fees will be added to your monthly Shopify invoice. Payment will be made directly to Shopify, so you can easily keep track of all the charges on one invoice.

Are there any other fees? What about one-time products?

Transaction fees apply to the entire Shopify order total, including shipping and taxes, when at least one subscription item is present. This includes both one-time and subscription products in the initial order. Transaction fees do not apply to Shopify orders containing only one-time products.

Is the free tier really free?

Yes, for your first $5,000 (in USD equivalent) of subscription orders processed with PayWhirl, there are absolutely no PayWhirl fees. After hitting the $5,000 threshold, the normal rate of 3% will apply to all subscription orders. Free processing only applies to your first $5,000 in processing and does NOT reset monthly.

Do paid plans come with free processing?

Unfortunately not. Free processing is limited to the free plan and is intended to allow new merchants to trial the benefits of PayWhirl without any cost. After you've exhausted your free processing credit, we recommend upgrading to a paid plan to unlock additional features and lower transaction fees.

What is limited on the free plan?

The following features are restricted on the free plan: email template editing, workflow automation tools, inventory management tools, failed payment actions, Klaviyo SMS & Email integration, and the developer API/Webhooks. You can upgrade to paid plans to unlock these features and lower your transaction fees.

Which payment gateways are supported?

The PayWhirl subscription app works with all subscription-capable gateways supported by Shopify. This includes Shopify Payments, PayPal Express,, and Stripe. If you need to use a different gateway, please get in touch with our team! Our multi-platform app works great and supports many additional gateways.

Can I try it before I buy it?

Sure! You can use our app in test mode with Shopify Payments for as long as you need. When you're ready to run live charges, select a billing plan on the app settings page. All of our paid plans come with a 14-day free trial. No contracts. Cancel anytime. We also offer a free plan with $5,000 in free processing and no monthly fees.

Can I cancel my account?

Yes! You can cancel your account anytime by uninstalling the PayWhirl app in the "Apps" section within your Shopify account.

Ready to give it a whirl?

Install PayWhirl on your Shopify store and
get started for free!

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